Season 10, Tournament 4: It’s a Miracle

Ask for her and she will come …… but she will not necessarily bring the miraculous with her.

Rob set off on his own, his decision, but texted on hole 7: can you come caddy for me?

I rushed off and met him. It was slow going and he was struggling. Could not putt to save his life and the putting gods, unfortunately, did not arrive with me.

It was one of those days with hazy potential, little drama, no luck and a disastrous short game.

Just awful.
Reminiscent of the old days actually.

Except that he wanted me there and we were happy.

Truly the only miraculous thing about the day was that he asked me to share it with him.

Or in the more eloquent words of Paulo Coelho: we will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.