Season 11, Tournament 1: To Be or Not To Be – rethinking the role with Shakespeare

To be, or not to be? That is the question— Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them?

Am I almost done? Can I continue to put up with the complaints and negativity that plague my looper role? Both my own and my child’s.

Is it nobler to suffer the oppressive heat and tween attitude and folly of miserably clueless caddies in the name of love?

Not for the game but for my child. Who may or may not feel the same way. The answer isn’t clear.

He says he wants me there. He says he wants to play the game. But is it rather a case of bearing those ills we have, than flying to others that we know not of? I fear our complacency is making cowards of us all.

Or do I take arms against this sea of troubles and oppose it. Just say – No More.

But if I do and allow it all to end ……. I’ll never know what dreams may come.