Category: 2016

  • Regional Tournament Day 2 : Hot but Priceless

    Regional Tournament Day 2 : Hot but Priceless

    A long, hot, humid, headache producing day.  Much hotter than I prepared for.  Me criss-crossing 18 holes over 5 hours in my long sleeved top ….. Rob played pretty well, for him.  Improved a shot on yesterday. 3 wood remained in the bag. We stay in fancy, glamorous places, but these tournaments are far from relaxing…

  • Regional Tournament Day 1: Exercise in Futility

    Regional Tournament Day 1: Exercise in Futility

    We bring up talented 6 and 7 and 8 year olds with stars in our eyes, quite convinced they are prodigies and future pros.  As you play these tournaments more and more and the kids get older you mellow, or perhaps you just get jaded – and realize there a lot of very talented golfers…

  • Regional Tournament : Practice Round, Notes

    Regional Tournament : Practice Round, Notes

    Bear is playing a practice round with his buddy D.  D has a professional caddy with him. Probably because D’s dad just doesn’t want to do it anymore. I totally get it. Do you think Bear should have a professional caddy?   Rob agrees because that would free Dad up for him.  Bear declines.  Max would…

  • Season 6, Season Championship : Snowman emoji, Horrified cat emoji

    Season 6, Season Championship : Snowman emoji, Horrified cat emoji

    Mom, you really could be a good caddy if you just didn’t say ‘good shot’ when it isn’t. Me: OK, but what if it is a good shot? Rob: Well then I will say it. Me: OK, I won’t say ‘good shot’ anymore.  So can I caddy for you on Saturday? Rob: You’re still my third choice, mom !…

  • Season 6 Tournament 6 : Mom On The Bag

    Season 6 Tournament 6 : Mom On The Bag

    Up 5 AM on a Saturday. An hours drive in the bone-numbing dark. Max and Bear are at a tournament out of town. It must be Mom On The Bag today. The performance was not stellar, but it was stoic. I have not really watched Rob much these past few weeks – the tournaments he has…

  • Between Season Hustle

    Between Season Hustle



    Logistically there need never be a “between season” for junior golfers.  There are so many tours that if you have the time and money you could play a tournament every weekend.  Practically this doesn’t, or at least shouldn’t, happen – it is a sure one way ticket to player burn-out and parent heart-attack. We do…

  • Season 6, Tournament 5 : Dad on the Bag

    Season 6, Tournament 5 : Dad on the Bag

    Yesterday Me: We are all available.  Who do you want to caddy for you tomorrow? Rob: Daddy. Me: Are you sure? Rob: Mom, you would be my third choice! Today Dad on the bag.  His focus was on keeping it lighthearted and fun.  The result was that Rob kept very calm, had lots of up-and-downs (as opposed to ups and…

  • Season 6, Tournament 4 : Bear on the Bag

    Season 6, Tournament 4 : Bear on the Bag

    It was rough.  Literally.  He struggled to find the fairway on his drives.  It turns out – later, when I fretted about his driving to Max, who was playing in his own club championship – that he played with the wrong driver the whole round !  One new but too long for him still, but…

  • I was Rob’s Entertainment This Afternoon

    I was Rob’s Entertainment This Afternoon



    Saturday I played with Rob today. People always ask me – do you play?  Probably because I look the part.  My standard response is : I can but I don’t.   I was brought up on tennis and field hockey.  I can drive the ball well – that swing motion is flat and somewhat consistent to that of…

  • Season 6, Tournament 3 : So You Think You Can Count?

    Season 6, Tournament 3 : So You Think You Can Count?



    Max was on the bag today and the conversation after every hole with the Daddy Caddy who was keeping Rob’s score was along the lines of : Daddy Caddy : You get a birdie on that hole? Rob : No, I got a double. Daddy Caddy : You get a 4 there? Rob : No, I got a 7. He just…

  • Season 6, Tournament 2 : Light and Bright

    Season 6, Tournament 2 : Light and Bright

    A dad carefully lined his boy up on the first tee then pulled him back and made him recite the three things he had to remember before taking his shot.  He then rechecked the line and the child flew his drive into the rough beside a fairway bunker. You must have broken your laser, boy!…

  • Season 6, Tournament 1 : Cop out, Constructive criticism and Letting go

    Season 6, Tournament 1 : Cop out, Constructive criticism and Letting go

    Both boys played today.  Different tours, different times and different directions.  Seeing the tee times two days ago – Rob early morning and Bear early afternoon I realized: perfect timing! For Max to do both!  Rob would be happy.  Also I’m a little intimidated by the dad of one of the boys Rob was lined up to play…

  • PGA Junior Team Match Play Competition : On Any Given Day

    PGA Junior Team Match Play Competition : On Any Given Day

    This blogsite is essentially about Rob and my journey in Junior Golf together, however, the inspiration and questions arising from a PGA junior All-Star team match play competition played by Bear and his partner, JMJ, last night are worth an entry. I don’t really know how it all works. I suspect none of us do. Except…

  • Season 5, Season Championship : Solid

    Season 5, Season Championship : Solid

    I tried to find him a caddy but it didn’t work out and I am SO grateful it didn’t ! Rob took 11 shots off last week’s score and his ball striking was beautiful.  He said afterwards that his Coach had made a few changes to his grip that had made the world of difference.  Instead…

  • Season 5, Tournament 7 : Ebb and Flow and Ebb

    Season 5, Tournament 7 : Ebb and Flow and Ebb

    Oh Lorde !  I’m kinda over getting told that I bring bad luck everywhere ……… So there. And I’m tired of 5am wake ups, traveling through morning traffic for ages, for the same attitude and slipping scores in the same brutal and unrelenting Summer heat. The days are long.  With the timing of the age…