Regional Tournament Day One, Pinehurst : The Truth



It was a long, hot and relatively drama-free day. I had to remind him of the basics of the golf swing from time to time, especially the fairway irons:  Follow through, you’re not following through. You’ve got to finish ‘up’. Pretend I’m going to take a photo of the follow through – I want you to look like Rory when he completes a shot!

It was met, rather unsurprisingly I suppose if you’ve followed along with us this far, with: You don’t have to tell the truth on every shot I hit.

On the positive side, he had a tremendous stroke of luck on Hole 6 (a par 5) where he drained a 5 iron from 150 yards for an eagle.  That was fun! Watching an, even well struck, chip roll obstinately off the turtle-back green was not. Four shots out of a bunker – not much either.

But we’ll roll with it – because that’s the nature of the game with its magic and misery and many, many lessons. There are not many sports as intellectual and character-building as this one.

They say that in golf, as in life, it’s the follow through that makes the difference.

Now, ain’t that the truth!