mom on the bag,

Season 10, Tournament 1: Less Pressure and Different Types of Questions

I have been under the weather this week and did not take the 1.5 hour early morning trek out to our first tournament of the season. It would be a very long day with Bear playing too. Although he will age out of local US Kids at the end of this year and has not played this tour much recently (concentrating on the longer 2 day events for the older and more experienced golfer) he decided to play the one today as it is at a course he will be playing a Hurricanes tournament, and with luck an AJGA qualifier in a month or two, so a good practice round opportunity. When you have 2 kids in US Kids, both on the higher end of the age groups, they play 18 holes and not at the same time. Today Bear will have to wait a few hours after he is done before Rob finishes and Rob got to the course in time for an almost 3 hour warm up!

This year I am focusing on developing a Zen like detachment from outcome as far as their golf is concerned. Max and I have both vowed to lay off the constant pressure we have put on Bear for the past few years and more so in the last year. Pressure to practice, pressure to perform, pressure to plan. We are trying to understand that it is not easy being 14 years old. Hormones, girl friend, school schedules. My final words to Max when they left this morning : not one negative word to Bear after the round whatever he does.

If our young golfers are going to be successful (whatever that may mean to them) they need less pressure from us and more organic enjoyment percolating in themselves. Max carries 2 little quotes around with him in his wallet: Always notice the best part. and what hinders the way, is the way. With that in mind here are my post-round questions for my boys.

What was your best part of the round today?

Bear: I had fun. Nice getting out after not playing tournaments in a while.

Rob: My approach shots were going very well and I was hitting the ball more solid than I have been doing.

What was the best part of your playing partners round today?

Connor: stupid question.

Rob: They had a lot of very good chips. One of them lipped out from off the green and the other one chipped in from about 20 yards off the green.

What made you laugh during the round?

Connor: Bunch of turtles in the lake. I amused myself with my own thoughts for the most part.

Rob: How much I was missing 5 foot putts.

What is one thing that made you enjoy playing with your playing partners?

Connor: They confirmed scores after each hole which helps.

Rob: They were friendly and talkative.

What was one thing that could have gone better?

Connor: I could have putted a lot better from inside 3 feet.

Rob: short putts.

Did you learn anything about your golf game or about golf in general that you will remember in future tournaments?

Connor: Focus more on short putts. Short putts matter.

Rob: I need to practice all my shots even the basic shots like 5 foot putts.

Bear’s 75 won his age group – although US Kids tournaments are really just practice rounds for him at this point and are on the short side distance wise for what he needs to be playing on a regular basis at his level.

Rob finished 1 off the medals and 1 off his personal best 18 hole tournament score. So a great start to his season!