Season 10, Tournament 6: Observations


Ugly shots can still yield tremendous results.

Playing out of turn is usually the result of a ‘rushing’ mindset and almost never turns out well.

Overcoaching is killing youth golf – or at the very least my patience.

I don’t think discussing how you did on a science test is tournament golf round conversation.

That being said I now know the difference between supernovas and nebulas.

Georgia went straight from winter to mid-90 degree summer in one week.

A 3-wood can go from ‘best friend’ to ‘I’m never hitting that club ever again’ in the space of one hole.

“I got lucky when I bladed that” is not something you hear very often.

Cart paths can be hinderances or helpful. As can trees.

One of my biggest pet peeves on the bag is negative self-talk (my putting is going so badly). Parental over-coaching is up there too.

One of my greatest enjoyments is a clutch shot when you need it most.

I saw and heard it all today.

Such are the ebbs and flows of golf. And life.